As part of the ABC Tech Alliance, we are proud to engage in educational content for ABC membership. If you are considering bringing on a construction technology solution, you should check out our latest piece on why you should choose a construction technology platform with a Delivery Strategy - and how it will help you create long term value for your team:

ABC Tech Alliance: Does Your Construction Technology Team have a Delivery Strategy

September 11, 2021

As part of the ABC Tech Alliance...

As part of the ABC Tech Alliance, we are proud to engage in educational content for ABC membership. If you are considering bringing on a construction technology solution, you should check out our latest piece on why you should choose a construction technology platform with a Delivery Strategy - and how it will help you create long term value for your team:

we are proud to engage in educational content for ABC membership. If you are considering bringing on a construction technology solution, you should check out our latest piece on why you should choose a construction technology platform with a Delivery Strategy - and how it will help you create long term value for your team:

"Are you shopping for a shiny new app or are you looking for value? Construction companies, especially trade contractors, operate on razor-thin margins. More and more construction tech is hitting the market promising efficiencies and improved operations. How does a contractor quickly and effectively filter through the noise and find what’s right for their business? One differentiator is delivery. Somewhere between the consultants offering multiple solutions and the simple downloadable app is a growing group of Construction Technology (ConTech) providers demonstrating value by understanding that the right delivery strategy can add tremendous value to their customers."

Read more on the ABC website....